Wednesday, September 12, 2007

WOW! Two posts in one week!

In art class this week, the art teacher taught my students how to draw birds. One student drew this and gave it to me. I thought I'd share this with everyone!

So . . . students . . . classes . . . learning . . .

We started reading groups this week. This has caused much stress in my life. It's amazing to think how many times you have to repeat a simple phrase such as "be quiet" or "stop talking" and they still don't understand it somehow. The elementary principal has been in twice this week and has offered helpful suggestions to me regarding this. I, of course, was open to any suggestion and started using them today. (which of course, also meant she did not come in to observe today!)

On the up-side, my parents came up yesterday and helped me get a little more settled. At least now my clothes are in the dressers and I have more than just plates, bowls, and glasses in the cabinets! Things will be so much better once everything is put away (right???)

Last night was exciting - a tractor trailer got stuck trying to come around a curve just down from my apartment. He had apparently not been driving for long, had bad directions, and ended up stuck in a 90-degree uphill turn! I think he was there for one and a half to two hours until he finally got out. I guess it's not that exciting, but it's news for me!

** An item of prayer**
The 1st grade teacher here has had some health problems and cannot continue teaching this year. My school will now have the position available. Please pray for her health and the filling of that position. A retired teacher is substituting until a replacement is found.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice bird. I'll tell Ched he's got some competition. LOL

Hey, I meant to tell you, you somehow have your blog titled, "... or at least pretend they do." I know that's after the "Teachers Have All The Answers" part, but when someone saves your blog as a favorite place, it's saved as ""... or at least pretend they do." Computer savvy as I am, it took me forever to find your blog again in my favorites (at home).

I changed the name manually so I can find you easily now, but just letting you know in case anyone else has the same problem!

~ Tracy