Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's been a long time . . .

Over the past . . . um . . . almost 6 weeks . . . (yikes!) a lot has happened (one would hope!) The week after I posted last, I was told that, due to decreases in enrollment, I would not be needed next year at my school. This has (for obvious reasons) really "deflated" me. I am not alone. Another teacher with equal years of experience was also let go due to this "reduction in force". I don't want to say I'm depressed. I know that God did not close this door to throw me out a window. I know He has something better for me out there somewhere. I've felt His moving for a while. Third grade is great, but I really would rather teach an older grade -- especially anything math-related. I have a couple of possibilities and a couple GREAT friends looking for me - even pushing me to be motivated! This has been an added blessing in the midst of all this! If any of you readers out there know of a Christian school looking for a teacher, I'm available.

On to other things -- another thing going on now is our latest assignment in the third grade: ANIMAL NOTEBOOKS!!! They have been working for the past 6 weeks on reports for each of the 6 categories of animals we learn: Mammals, Fish, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Invertebrates. We finished up the reports in class yesterday and the projects are due on Friday. Yeah for me!! I will then have 24 projects to grade in the middle of our standardized testing week!!!! :s One good thing is that some have already started turning their projects in -- if I would grade them as they come in, things would go a LOT better for me next week.

It seems like a lot more has happened, but I'm kind of in a zone right now. I'll try to make shorter updates, but more often -- we'll see how it goes!!

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