Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The new and the somewhat old

The new part is the blog - the old part is the background. The site I usually use is not working right now, or they only have pink-ish cute-sy little Valentines Day backgrounds -- what ever happened to just plain winter?????? The tragedy of being single around this time of year . . . . . .

Anyway, just when you think you've heard everything -- talk to a teacher!! This is school spirit week, so the kids have been a little crazier than usual. Yesterday was PJ day -- a bonus for me since I had pneumonia last year -- I LOVE PJ DAY!! (though I did get a little tired . . .) Today was twin/career day, so the other teachers in my hall all dressed alike -- jeans, white collared shirt and a tie. It was great -- I was finally able to wear my Pepe Le Pew tie!! I've had the thing for about 10+ years now(boy do I feel old!) and I FINALLY wore it!! The best part of the day came at recess. I was talking to some of my students from last year. I was asking what career they were or if they were twins with anyone. The one doing the most talking said she was supposed to match one or another girl, but it didn't work out. She said they sort-of match -- Oh!! They're rhetorical twins!!! :) I said, "Do you mean fraternal twins??" "Oh, yeah -- that!" You've gotta love 4th graders!! That was almost as good as one of my 3rd graders reading our Science book today. We were reading about what to do during a thunderstorm. The book says to always try to be inside during a thunderstorm. But if you are caught outside (as she read it) " . . sit or crotch on the ground . . . " I never have a dull day . . . .

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